a cactus
I killed
A simple guide to houseplants
for the horticulturally challenged
Forget Covid (well don’t), but 2021 was the year of the houseplant. We flocked to supermarkets, local nurseries and IKEA in waves to bring some sense of the outdoors into our locked-down homes. But with a nation of fresh and ill-prepared plant parents, let’s make sure we’ve got the basics down to keep your greens looking mean.
This is
a plant
Consider these variables to help this plant survive
[and thrive]

Like humans, all plants are different. But as a general rule, find a place in your home with temperatures between 15°C - 24°C
Let's not forget
about the lighting
Believe it or not, most houseplants don’t like to be in direct sunlight
Most houseplants will grow best in bright but not direct sunlight. Try setting your plant a few feet back from a south-facing window.

So now
you know
the basics
Get to know your plant's specific needs.
Here are our top 5 plants to look out for in 2022
Swiss Cheese Plant
Swiss Cheese Plant
[Monstera deliciosa]
Snake Plant
Snake Plant
[Dracaena trifasciata]
Chinese Money Plant
Chinese Money Plant
[Pilea peperomioides]
Boston Fern
Boston Fern
[Nephrolepis exaltata]
Kentia Palm
Kentia Palm
[Howea forsteriana]